The PE Tutor Ltd is a community of PE Tutors that write, create and deliver teaching and learning resources and courses for students and teachers around the world.
Our sole aim is to Maximise Student Success in PE Exams.
Our ever expanding tutor team provide:
- 1.2.1 Private Tuition
- Online Group Classes
- Free Email Course
- Full Curriculum Courses of Study
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Interested in becoming a PE Tutor yourself? Email us at
The PE Tutor Ltd is a community of PE Tutors that write, create and deliver teaching and learning resources and courses for students and teachers around the world.
Our sole aim is to Maximise Student Success in PE Exams.
Our ever expanding tutor team provide:
- 1.2.1 Private Tuition
- Online Group Classes
- Free Email Course
- Full Curriculum Courses of Study
learn more at
Interested in becoming a PE Tutor yourself? Email us at
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Assortment of Lesson Plans
A random collection of lesson plans that may just tick the boxes you need right now.
All plans include;
Question ideas
Health and Safety
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the different lever systems that govern how our joints create movement.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the 3 components of a lever system and how they can change across 3 different lever types.
Most should be able to draw and label linear versions of the 3 types of lever system and know the term mechanical advantage.
Some could link the correct lever system to a sporting movement and explain why one lever system has a greater Mechanical Advantage over another.
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the definitions of and differences between skill and ability.
Learning Objectives:
All must know the definition of ability and the 3 types of skill.
Most should be able to provide examples of different skills and ability.
Most should be able to describe the characteristics of a skilful performance.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 340+ supporting LCPE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the different continua that skills can be classified against.
Learning Objectives:
All must be able to state the 4 skill continuum.
Most should be able to provide examples of and describe the characteristics of each skill class.
Some could classify skills from a range of sporting contexts and justify their decision based on the criteria of each continuum.
Access this PowerPoint along with 2-years worth of 340+ supporting LCPE Teaching Resources for you and your students at:
Full-length, editable PowerPoint lesson and accompanying Worksheet explaining the different planes and axes that bodily movements occur in and around.
Learning Objectives:
All must understand the term biomechanics.
All must be able to define and label 3 planes and their corresponding axes.
Most should be able to identify the plane and axes a variety of sporting movements occur in.
(2018) AQA A Level PE: Neuromuscular System Lesson Powerpoint
This is an up to date, all-inclusive Powerpoint designed for the AQA A Level PE course (2016 specification).
With 13 content slides (1 for each specification element) and 3 Timeout Sections with 10 Study tasks between them, students will gain a secure understanding of the neuromuscular system section in Unit 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to understand:
Muscle fibre types
Neural control of muscles
Recruiting motor units
All or none law
Spatial and wave summation
Tetanic contraction
Muscle spindles and Golgi Tendon Organs
AQA A Level (NEW): Complete Cardiovascular System Powerpoint Lesson
This is an up to date, all-inclusive Powerpoint designed to span 2-3 lessons on the AQA A Level PE course (2016 specification).
With 25 content slides and 15+ Independent study tasks, students will gain a secure understanding of the cardiovascular system section of the Unit 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology within Paper 1 ‘Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport’
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to understand:
Impacts of physical activity and sport on health
Impacts of physical activity and sport on fitness
The hormonal, neural and chemical regulation and responses to exercise
Receptors and their role in exercise
Oxygen transportation
Starlings Law and Venous Return
Cardiovascular drift and A-VO2 diff
4 Timeout Sections are incorporated as mini-plenaries, wherein students will tackle questions addressing the content covered on previous slides.
Also included are 5 mini-lesson videos hosted on youtube to aid student comprehension further.
AQA A Level (NEW): Complete Respiratory System Powerpoint Lesson
This is an up to date, all-inclusive 30 slide Powerpoint designed to span 2-3 lessons on the AQA A Level PE course (2016 specification).
With 30 content slides and Independent study tasks for each learning aim, students will gain a secure understanding of the respiratory system section of the Unit 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology within Paper 1 ‘Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport’
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to understand:
Lung volumes and capacities
Gaseous exchange at the alveoli and muscle
Hormonal, neural and chemical regulation of breathing
Receptors regulating pulmonary ventilation
Lifestyle choices with negative impacts on the respiratory system
4 Timeout Sections are incorporated as mini-plenaries, wherein students will tackle questions addressing the content covered on previous slides.
Also included are links to 3 mini-lesson videos hosted on youtube to aid student comprehension further.
(2018) AQA A Level PE: Energy System Lesson Powerpoint
This is an up to date, all-inclusive, 89 Slide Powerpoint designed for the AQA A Level PE course (2016 specification).
With 60 content slides (1 for each specification element) and 8 Timeout Sections containing 30 Study tasks between them, students will gain a secure understanding of the ENERGY SYSTEM section in Unit 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology.
Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to understand:
Anaerobic energy transfer.
Aerobic energy transfer.
Energy production in different fibre types.
Energy production in high intensity/short duration exercise.
Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA).
Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC).
Measuring and using VO2 Max.
Measuring energy expenditure.
Specialist training methods.